Tuesday 10 July 2012

Curvy Role-Models

Looking through very old photos of both my Grandmas. Both lived very active, demanding, happy and fulfilled lives. Both very different but neither were skinny's ~ they are my role models because they didnt care about size they were bold and cared for others. Stood for what was right and were in their own ways a force for good. My Grandma Winter was always saying how I needed to lose weight not because she didn't love me as I was but because her weight made her depressed in later years and in fact killed her. My Grandma Gill got very sick in later life and had to live on steriods which made gain weight. However - all their trials they had they never let it get them down. It wasn't the focus! Today society is about what is skin deep. Both of my Grandma's showed me life is about MUCH more. So Thank you to them both. I lost them in my early teens. I wont ever forget their legacy though. To me everyone is beautiful in their own way. You just have to look for it :-)

Grandma Gill in her Bathing Suit

Grandma Winter after a bike ride


  1. Both your grandmas were so pretty :) they sound like amazing ladies xx

  2. Thanks - they were amazing :D I miss them alot!


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