Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Let the Sunshine come in a cardi!

I have been craving for some colour like this for agessss! Looked for this colour pretty much all my life and Simply Be have new cardigans in bright shades PERFECT! I teamed this simply again with my trusty black dress I got from Ebay but was originally Evans. I am lad to be able to showcase myself since I have lost weight swimming - even if my face doesnt look it. I always like to do a full body shot but team it with some close ups and that is afterall my best feature ;) I hope you enjoy it. You know I kept getting comments again about this...oh its too bright...oh you need to tone it down. Why should I tone it down. I feel wonderful in it and I happy. People with a problem - get over it! Let me know what you think!

Wedding Outfit

Well hello, "Happy freeze yourself to death" week! With the return of this odd weather we are having Im going back to last month when I attended a lovely wedding. My outfits are quite simple to put together but I like the idea of key pieces that you can change when you like. I love my belt. I have always had mixed reviews over it. I like it because it holds everything in place as well as give me a waist which is not my greatest attribute. I really have stopped caring what people said I suit and what I don't if I feel wonderful in it does it really matter what others think. You will always get mixed reviews no matter what you wear! So I wore this to my friends wedding. She was a stunner. I will include a photo for you to see how beautiful she was. Well without all the waffle onto the photographs. Enjoy!

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